Northern Liberties – Easter Island (

Northern Liberties recently blew me away with their “Erode and Disappear” album and I’m really glad to finally be reviewing this one. This 7″ continues the sound they were going for on the full-length which was a mix of heavy riff-rock, alt/punk and Butthole Surfers style weirdness. On this release you get two new songs that are all out ass kickers. Once again they deliver powerful songs without a guitar anywhere in sight. I’ve actually heard a few people say negative things about these guys because there isn’t any guitar in the band but don’t listen to any of that, because these guys are tight musicians and manage to create a full sound with only bass, drums and vocals. The bass playing on this 7″ is truly unique delivering fluid, powerful riffs that are catchy and deep giving the sound a heavy, rhythmic backbone. Side A features the epic track, “Easter Island” which switches from quiet moments to thundering, riff driven assaults with those sung/shouted/spoken vocals right up front. Side B contains “Chromosomatic” which is drastically different from “Easter Island”. This song is a mix between dirty rock and roll and catchy alt/punk sounds and it’s areal rocker for certain. All in all, this is another fine release by Northern Liberties that makes me excited to see what they come up with next. If you dug the full-length, then definitely give this 7″ a listen. These guys are a truly unique band that deserve more attention, so check them out damn it!

— JS