Northern Liberties – Erode and Disappear (Xeens and Things #16)

I guess if you had to come up with a label for this you might call it “pop punk neo-goth”. Like Justins zine, the lyrics have a “quasi gnostic” sound to them, though there’s some social commentary as well. I liked the energetic, rythmic and somber, guitar and drum lead-ins in most of the songs, and the music maintains its quality throughout. But the lyrics are a bit crowded, apparently in an effort to convey a “meningful” message. And the vocals are a little grating and slightly off key. Some of the songs, with their rapidly spoken lyrics, remind me of Nada Surf’s “Popular”. Although I prefer a more melodic and mellifluous style, I’ll grant there’s some talent in here, and the cover and the CD itself have some exceptional artwork on them.

— James N. Dawson, XEENS AND THINGS # 16