Northern Liberties – Secret Revolution (

Rad 14 song album of spazzy basement art-punk from this Philly drums/bass/vox trio that’s tied up in the intriguing urban-underground Worldeater collective, who also cranked out the fucking stellar Humanasaur CD-R reviewed elsewhere on this list. Northern Liberties are sort of a heavier, modern day version of The Butthole Surfers, a psychedelic punk assault slinging metaphysical vibes all over their album, but with a spare drums/bass/vocals n’ effects lineup and apparent love for black mascara post-punk that puts these jams somewhere between the dissonant riff-heavy freakouts of Lightning Bolt, sullen Cure/Joy Division gloom, melodic hardcore marches, and spacey, psychedelic angular avant-punk that touches on USAISAMONSTER, folk, and cosmic effects tripouts, bound together with bizarre feverdream lyrics and really cool zoned out vocals. Yep, a cool, weird mix of Load Records damage, the Butthole Surfers acid visions, and pop punk.