Northern Liberties – Secret Revolution (Punk Planet #75, Sept/Oct 2006)

Roarrrr…Grrrr… Three guys – on bass, drums, and guttural screams, respectively – play definitely heavy, thoroughly metal anthems called things like “Don’t Kill My Sister”. They pack an impressive stash of effect pedals, which warp the bass from growls to screeches, and include standout percussive passages whereby they rhythmically pummel things with sticks. Opener “Midnight Train To The Dogfood Factory” sets the LP’s tone: racous, obnoxious, and sometimes absurd. After listening to 19 exhaustive tracks of morbid imagery and slaying bass lines, you may feel tortured enough to write your own Liberties-inspired anthem of pain. I’d simply call mine “Ouch”.
— Reviewed by KG in Punk Planet #75, Sept./Oct. 2006